Melanya Zlatina was born on October 19th 2016 in Eupatoria. On October 20th, when Melanya was 2 days old, she was diagnosed with Spina bifida and underwent surgery (hernia excision). Melanya’s parents saw their daughter on her sixth day and it brought tears to their eyes. She was lying practically motionless breathing with effort, which made her stomach rise. The sight of the baby was pleasing to the eye despite the numerous tubes, sensors, holders and bandages. Deep in the parents’ hearts there was a strong belief that everything was going to be all right.
The first stage of the therapy was over. Prof. Shimon Rohkind, the world- famous neurosurgeon, visited Krasnodar in spring 2017. He examined the girl and advised to carry out an operation to release the spinal cord in Assuta Medical Center, Israel. The procedure was performed in June 2017.
It was thanks to your donations that Melanya Zlatina was able to afford a rehabilitation therapy course in Adeli Medical Center in Slovakia. Specialists recommended another intensive therapy course in May 2018. What was most important, the girl had a good chance of learning to walk without support! Through your kind donations, we were able to raise the right amount of money to pay for Melania’s treatment.