Lita is an attentive, caring and very kind girl. She is unable to walk but it does not prevent her from being perfectly charming and being the light of her nearest and dearest. All family members have been uniting their efforts to fight for Lita’s health. Step by step Lita’s future seems brighter following each rehabilitation course.
Lita is already able to sit without support, climb up the sofa, stand with an aid and crawl. The primary goal at present is to carry on and not to lose the skills that have been acquired with great difficulty.
Lita showed signs of improvement since her very first days at Professor Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic. Thanks to your support she had had rehabilitation courses in autumn 2017, spring 2018 and autumn 2018.
The positive effect was still obvious several months after the treatment. The girl was looking forward to coming back to her favorite doctors in order to progress towards normal life.
Through your kind donations we were able to raise 3800 euro to cover the expenses on the second course of treatment in autumn 2019.
Iulia is 6 years old and she was born in Krasnodar early, on the 33rd week of pregnancy. After birth, the child did not breathe and was on a ventilator for several days, after which she had a difficult recovery path. Yulia had a strong muscle tone, which her parents fought hard with, taking the child to massage and physiotherapy courses. When she was one year old, the doctors diagnosed her with cerebral palsy and spastic diplegia. Since then, Julia began a real struggle for a full future.
At the age of 6, she has already undergone numerous therapy courses in Russia, the Czech Republic and Poland. Thanks to these courses, the girl learned a lot: she even learned to walk with a walker and with the help of canes. But this is not enough for a full life, so the parents continued to look for ways to help their child.
Recently, Iulia underwent a complex and expensive operation at Children’s Hospital Saint Louis, USA. It was a long-awaited operation, which took a whole year to collect money in all possible ways and hope for a miracle. But a miracle happened, after the operation, the girl's spasticity left her legs, and her feet sank to her heels. It is very difficult to restore her muscles now. The girl needs to learn everything anew, because everything that she knew before, she did in good shape. For this, Iulia needs rehabilitation, but her parents have no money left at all.
Her mother writes: “Next year Yulia will be 7 years old, and we truly hope to return Iulia to school as much as possible, and the neurosurgeon's forecasts motivate us to do this, being that with the correct restorative therapy, Iulia will walk on her own for short distances.”
Iulia needs to undergo rehabilitation at the Centrum Intensywnej Terapii Olinek Clinic. For this we need to collect 6300 EUR.
Friends, thanks to your help, Yulia was able to pass rehabilitation course at the Olinek Intensive Therapy center. Before completing the course, the girl could not even stand in a walker, and now she can do it without any support for 40 seconds! This is a great achievement for her. We are sure that Julia's results will get even better over time.
Thank you for helping us to change children's lives for the better!

Kanykey Emil Kyzy from Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) is our ward, who always smiles, laughs and spreads love wherever she goes. On the day when this baby was born, it seemed that there was no one happier than her parents, because they had been dreaming about her for 5 long years. But she was born with a congenital malformation of the spine. Her diagnosis of spina bifida was known 2 months before her birth. Her parents hoped for a miracle, but as soon as the diagnosis was confirmed after her birth, they immediately began fighting for their daughter's health.
Mom writes: "On March 25, 2021, our daughter was born. She looked healthy, with no visible abnormalities, except for a small bump on her lower back. A few days after the MRI, the diagnosis of Spina Bifida was confirmed. My husband and I were mentally preparing for this, so we immediately contacted the clinics and, after comparing all the options, chose the one we could afford for the price. At the age of 2 months my daughter was operated in Istanbul clinic.
It was successful. It seemed till the moment we did a control MRI of the lower back when Kanykei turned one year old. It showed that her spinal cord is fixed. The doctor could not give an answer why fixation has appeared. He also could not guarantee that after the second surgery it wont appear again. But we found Dr. Shimon Rokhkind, who gives makes this operations perfectly and the probability of re-fixation after his operation is only 2%.
My soul is torn apart by the fact that we are unable to help our angel on our own. Many kind people in the world already help us and thanks to them we have already managed to collect almost half of the required amount. We sincerely believe that if more caring hearts will help us, we will be able to give a healthy future to Kanykei. Please, help us to save her health."
Dear friends, now Kanykey is 1 year and almost 4 months old. She is able to stand on her own legs without support and take several steps. She hasn't started walking yet, but without this operation, she may be paralyzed from the waist down for life. She may have complications with the bladder, intestines and kidneys.
Dear friends, thanks to your support Kanykei was able to get to the best spina bifida specialist - Prof. Shimon Rohkind, who on January 20, 2023 performed the surgery on the girl and was very happy with the result. He was able to completely free Kanykei's spinal cord from adhesions and lipomas. The professor said that the neuromonitoring results after the surgery were very good, which means that there is great hope that the fixation of Kanykei's spinal cord will not happen again.

Almas Abdilda was born with spina bifida, a congenital condition, whereby a baby's spine and spinal cord does not develop properly in the womb, causing a gap in the spine. The boy has been struggling with this diagnosis his whole life and has already undergone two surgeries in his native Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, this did not enable him to walk on his own.
The boy’s mother, Elmira, wrote to us: “When Almas was born, I instantly realised something was wrong from the doctor’s reaction. He was diagnosed with spina bifida and it was very hard to come to terms with the knowledge that he will likely become disabled, unless operated. At 3.5 months old, Almas underwent his first surgery. Sadly, in Kazakhstan this procedure is rarely successful, and we were no exception.
At the age of 1, Almas began to stand up and walk, and it was then that we noticed him limping. It turned out that one leg was shorter than the other by one centimetre. By 9, our boy was in severe pain and in need of another surgical operation. We were very hopeful that this treatment would at least relieve his pain, but the reality turned out much worse than our expectations. After the second surgery, Almas’s leg muscles got so weak that he can no longer walk on his own and can only crawl on his knees like an infant.
We are not willing to accept this fate, and so we have reached out to Shimon Rokhkind, an operating neurosurgeon who specialises, amongst other things, in spine surgery. Following the consultation, professor Rokhkind is confident that an urgent surgical intervention will give Almas the opportunity to walk on his own again. Once again, we have hope for our child’s future. “
Dear friends, our foundation has responded to help Almas raise part of the total cost of treatment. Thanks to your help and support, the boy underwent the treatment he needed. On August 31, 2022, Dr. Shimon Rohkind performed an operation. It lasted 7 hours and was successful. We thank everyone who helped us change the boy's life for the better!

This kind, intelligent and bright boy absolutely does not want to put up with his diagnosis and sincerely believes that kind hearts will support and help him to overcome all obstacles to stop the deterioration of his health.
Writes Elmira, Alimzhan's mother: "After the birth of my child on the left buttock, doctors noticed a maroon-blue spot similar to a hemangioma and a small formation. Up to 8 months my son was observed by doctors at the cancer center. Our boy grew and developed according to his age, but the spot in the buttock area gradually began to increase. After an MRI of the lumbosacral spine doctors diagnosed Spina Bifida. When they said that my child would be disabled and unable to walk, we refused the operation in Kazakhstan, and desided to operate Alimzhan in Iran when he turned 10 months old. Two months after operation our son made first steps. We were incredibly happy about it and thought that the worst things was behind us. But we were very wrong.
Over time, Alimzhan's condition began to deteriorate, he was found to have pelvic organ disorders, his left leg weakened, and he began to limp, fell a lot and tired quickly. After repeated MRI, we learned that the spinal cord is fixed again. We went to rehabilitation centers and underwent complex treatment (physical therapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis, massage), but it did not bring any results.
2 years ago we managed to meet with Dr. Shimon Rokhkind and now we know how we can save our son from further complications. But, unfortunately, our family cannot afford to pay for treatment 49,229 euros. We sincerely ask you, dear benefactors, to give Alimzhan a chance for a happy, full and long life!"
Dear friends, our foundation has responded to help Alimzhan raise part of the total cost of treatment. Thanks to your help and support, the boy underwent the treatment he needed. On December 15, 2022, Dr. Shimon Rohkind performed an operation on the boy. It was successful. We thank everyone who helped us change Alimzhan's life for the better!!

Many of you already know this little girl, Sophia. Thanks to your support, in November 2021 we managed to send her for treatment to the clinic Teknon in Spain, where girl successfully underwent the first stage of surgery for the surgical treatment of epilepsy. Before, Sophia has been having multiple seizures up to 30 times a day. After surgery the number of seizures has decreased, now she has it only once in two days.
But during the treatment, doctors found an inflammation in her parietal lobe, due to which the brain cells do not absorb nutrients, and the brain tissue in these places become keratinized. Since this area also causes epileptic seizures, it must be removed. Sophia will have the final stage of treatment - SEEG procedure followed by the standard surgery or possibly a craniotomy.
This is a meticulous job and to minimize the risks of neurosurgery, this option has been chosen for her. In Russia, such surgeries are not carried out, but Dr. Russi in the Teknon clinic is ready to help the girrl again.
Dear Friends, thanks to your kind hearts, we fundraised 31,000 euros for the final stage of Sofia's treatment. On November 11, 2022, the doctors of the Teknon clinic performed an operation on the girl. It was successful. Results of EEG in February 2023 showed that Sophia had only 5% epilepsy and no epilepsy seizures. Thanks to your support and help we managed to do what Sonya and her family were dreaming about! Seizures are no longer tormenting the girl.

Nastya is 6 years old. She loves to draw, sculpt from plasticine, go to classes in the pool, but most of all she likes lessons in preparation for school, where she dreams of going with her older sister. But Nastya has a serious diagnosis, cerebral palsy. Because of it, the girl can't walk on her own yet. The course at the Olinek Intensive therapy Center will help to change it.
Nastya was born at 31 weeks of pregnancy. Her weight was only 1600 grams. The girl did not immediately breathe and scream. The first few days of her life she spent on a ventilator, after which she was transferred to the intensive care unit, where on the 10th day she suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. Doctors diagnosed: periventricular leukomalacia of the brain and partial atrophy of the optic nerve. Two months passed before Nastya began to eat and gain weight. When it happened she got discharged from the hospital. During this time, the parents studied a lot of information about their daughter's illness and realized that it was necessary to act as soon as possible.
At the age of 2 months, the girl started to make Voita therapy 4 times a day. Over time, Nastya began to combine these classes with Bobat- and Medek- therapy. She grew and developed, underwent rehabilitations in Russia, Poland and the Czech Republic and made progress. But as the girl grew, the spasticity in her muscles grew as well and limited Natya in movements.
In June 2020, Nastya underwent an SDR operation (to eliminate spasticity). Two years have passed since this moment. The girl has mastered many new skills and is already walking on her own in a walker. But her capabilities are much more than this. She can learn to walk on her own! And a rehabilitation course at the Olinek center can help her to gain it.
Unfortunately, the financial resources of the girl's parents have already been exhausted by the long-term struggle for healthy future of their daughter. And now, when they are just in one step of their dream, they really need our support.
Dear friends, thanks to your kind hearts, in November 2022 Nastya was able to undergo a 3-week rehabilitation course at the Olinek Intensive Therapy Center. During the course, the girl mastered new skills, became more confident to hold her back and even learned to walk independently along the windowsill, which was completely impossible before this intensive course. Thanks everyone who helped change Nastya's life for the better.

Alisa Rassolova from Kaliningrad has a femoral head fracture and necrosis. She urgently needs to be diagnosed and treated in Israel.
Alisa has been used to be the first one everywhere since she got into the regional rhythmic gymnastics school at the age of 3.5. First places at competitions, awards, cups, medals took a big part in the girl's life. She had a great future in big sport. But in October 2022th Alisa started complaining of pain in her right hip. It was very similar for strain, but week later, when the girl began to limp, she was X-rayed. It showed that Alisa has a femoral head fracture and necrosis.
Since then, Alisa's life has changed a lot. Now she has no joy from training and competitions, there is only pain, bed rest and crutches, that help girl to move when its needed. Alisa's parents visited different doctors, but, unfortunately, in Russia there is no such a doctor who can help Alisa. Neither in Kaliningrad nor in St. Petersburg's Turner's children orthopedic center.
The only hope for Alisa's healthy future is treatment in Israel. Doctors of Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center are ready to help the girl and perform a complex combined operation, but the price of surgery is $ 26,000. Girl's parents have no opportunity to pay such a huge amount.
Please, help us to bring back bright colors into Alisa's life. Leave the donation and give a chance for the girl's healthy future!
Thanks to your kind hearts Alica was treated by Dr. Barry Danino in Israel. He successfully performed difficult surgery - a shelf acetabuloplasty, which prevented further destruction of the femoral neck head. Now Alica can walk independently and confidently without feeling any discomfort!

From his birth, Vanya was an absolutely healthy boy. He had been growing up and developing normally until the age of 5 when he was diagnosed with a hernia of the white line of the abdomen. It is a pathological condition of the muscles of the abdominal wall when they diverge along the midline and a partial protrusion of the internal organs occurs. In July 2015, the boy underwent surgery at City Hospital No. 9 in Sochi. Since then, Vanya’s life is divided into “before” and “after”.
Due to a medical error during the operation, an overdose of anaesthesia happened and it caused a partial death of the child’s brain cells and transgression of blood circulation of the brain and spinal cord; it had serious consequences for his health. All these 8 years after unsuccessful surgery, the boy literally fights for his life, he undergoes various kinds of therapies, but, unfortunately, nothing helps, and his health deteriorates.
Vanya was diagnosed with “hydrocephalus, Arnold Kiary syndrome”. Doctors in Russia failed to install a shunt and normalize the boy’s intracranial pressure. But this is not the worst of what Vanya has been through. The boy has got a defective anterior cranial fossa, and because of that, his spinal fluid enters the nasopharynx which is a life-threatening condition. At any time, bacterial meningitis may occur, and then Vanya will die.
Doctors in Russia said they did everything they could. Despite that, Eugenia, Vanya’s mum, didn’t give up and continued her efforts to search for a doctor who would be able to help her son. And she found him. Professor Jonathan Roth from the Ihilov clinic (Israel) is ready to perform the necessary checks and after that, he will be able to make a decision on the possibility of correcting the defect of the anterior cranial fossa or the installation of a shunt.
This requires the amount of $35,610.
Eugenia is raising three children all alone, and this amount of money is completely unaffordable for her. Her only hope is a miracle such as the help of good and kind-hearted people.
Dear friends, please, help us save Vanya’s life.

Dasha is only 11 years old, but she has already had a stroke. At the Moyamoya Center Children's Hospital in Zurich (Switzerland), the girl underwent several complex operations on her heart and brain vessels. The last surgery took place in February 2021. In order to exclude the possibility of another stroke, Dasha must undergo post-surgery check-up as soon as possible. The girl urgently needs our help.
Dasha is originally from the small Russian town of Likhoslavl (Tver region). She has a congenital heart defect and a number of other conditions: Thrombophilia, a hemangioma on her face that requires surgery, and a complex malformation of the neck and brain vessels. At the age of 30 months, Dasha suffered a stroke. The doctors who conducted the examination at the Burdenko National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery in Moscow recommended to contact with doctors of Moyamoya Center Children's Hospital in Switzerland. The examination revealed that Dasha suffers from an unusual and rare PHACE syndrome.
PHACE is a rare genetic syndrome, and the title is an acronym (the first letters of the conditions):
P - malformation of the posterior fossa
H - hemangioma⠀
A - arterial anomalies⠀
C - heart disease⠀
E - anomalies of the eyes
Dasha has 3 of the 5 diseases listed above.⠀
In addition, Dasha was diagnosed with another rare disease - the so-called "stealing" syndrome. In simple terms, the body "steals" the blood from the head.
At the Moyamoya Center Children's Hospital in Zurich, a medical team consisting of a cardiac surgeon, a vascular surgeon, a vascular neurosurgeon, and a radiologist proposed a treatment tactic that minimizes the risk of another stroke and involves three consecutive surgeries that Dasha already passed. The last surgery took place in February 2021.In the summer of 2023, the time had come for the planned check-up, the cost of which amounted to € 60,000. Our Foundation opened a partial collection and, thanks to the kindness of your heart, was able to collect €20,000 in time for a comprehensive inspection of Dasha. It took place on August 18, 2023 and was successful. Thank you, dear friends, for giving the girl a chance to live a full life and not worry about tomorrow.

On July 10, 2018, an adorable baby, Eldar, was born in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), by cesarean section. The boy was diagnosed with spina bifida, a congenital defect in the development of the spinal cord and spine. There are different types of spina bifida, Eldar has lipomeningocele - an abnormality where fatty tissue attaches to and puts pressure on the spinal cord. At the age of 2 months, Eldar underwent a complex surgery at the pediatric clinic of the Municipal Hospital of Bishkek. It restored the sensitivity of the boy's legs, but could not save him from spinal cord fixation and deterioration of his condition.
Eldar's right leg suffered from deformity. It was 1 centimeter longer than the left one and 1 size bigger. With such pathology, children usually do not walk, but Eldar even managed to run and play soccer. He confidently scored goals and sincerely dreamed that his leg will become better after the surgery and then he will be able to exchange his special sneakers for normal white ones, like his younger brother has.
Eldar's health continued to deteriorate. The spinal cord was fixed, a deformation of the left leg could occur at any time, and then the boy could lose the ability to walk. To prevent this, Eldar needed two serious surgeries: one neurosurgical and one orthopedic.
Our foundation raised 10,000 euros for the boy. Together with other charitable foundations and kind hearts, we did everything possible to ensure that Eldar received timely, life-saving treatment, the total amount of which was $78,638.
On July 7, 2023 Dr. Shimon Rochkind of the Assuta Clinic performed a flawless neurosurgical operation and freed the boy’s spinal cord from roots and pathological tissue. On July 18, 2023 Eldar underwent orthopedic surgery. It was also successful. Now the boy is no longer at risk of disability, he will be able to walk, and we very much hope that one day he will even be able to walk.
Dear friends we thank everyone and each of you for your help and support.

Milana is a smiling, cheerful and very smart girl. She is from Grodno (Belarus). Milana has a terrible diagnosis - tuberous sclerosis. And she needs our urgent help.
Tuberous sclerosis is a rare genetic disease that causes non-cancerous (benign) tumors to grow in the brain and several areas of the body, including the spinal cord, nerves, eyes, lung, heart, kidneys, and skin. Milana already has two of them in her head, because of that the girl has daily seizures and epilepsy. Milana has already been examined and treated in Belarus and Israel, but unfortunately the treatment was not effective. The only way that can help the girl is a neurosurgical operation, during which will be removed the segment where the tumors that cause the seizures. This must be done as soon as possible, otherwise the disease will progress. It might lead to the worst consequences, including death.
The doctors at the Ichilov Clinic will provide the necessary treatment for Milana. Together with other charitable organizations we managed to collect the entire required amount for Milan in time.

Polina is from Volgodonsk - a small city located in southern Russia, nearby Rostov. Before the end of 2021, she was a cheerful and friendly little girl, until that unfortunate day when she experienced her first stroke. Regrettably, this has already happened three more times, and the root cause of all these strokes is the terrible illness called moyamoya. Polina is in desperate need of our help.
The first stroke had happened a few days before New Year's Eve of 2021, while Polina was waiting for gifts from Santa and preparing for the performance in kindergarten. Just a few days before that, she suffered a stroke and had to spend New Year's in the children's hospital. After a month of treatment, she was finally discharged and went back home, but sadly, she had a second stroke shortly after, which left her unable to speak, chew, and use her right hand.
Doctors diagnosed her with moyamoya disease - a rare chronic progressive condition affecting the blood vessels in the brain, leading to frequent and unpredictable strokes. Polina has already experienced four strokes, resulting in the loss of her ability to speak and take care of herself. Her motor skills in both hands are impaired. But the most alarming aspect is that the anterior vessels of her brain continue to close, putting her at constant risk of another stroke as long as her heart keeps beating.
Unfortunately, the medical help needed for Polina is not available in Russia. But thanks to your kind hearts, in November 2023, the girl underwent an examination at Children’s Hospital Zurich Moyamoya Center. It passed successful. The girl was scheduled for a highly complex surgery.
Baby Safia is from the city of Arys in the Turkestan region of Kazakhstan. She can stand on her own and take a few steps, but she hasn't learned to walk independently yet. Her right foot has been deformed since birth, and her spinal cord is fixed. The reason is spina bifida - a congenital spinal cord defect.
When Safia was born, her mother immediately noticed a lump in the lower back area, which turned out to be a spinal cord hernia. Doctors diagnosed spina bifida and recommended surgery for the girl when she becomes a little older. Safia's parents hesitated to opt for the operation at first, but when Safia was one and a half years old, they finally took this crucial step. Unfortunately, the surgery at the Children's Almaty Hospital was unsuccessful. Complications arose immediately, and two days later, she had to undergo another operation. The second surgery did not yield the expected results, leaving Safia's spinal cord still fixed. If it is not released in a timely manner, the little girl may be paralyzed below the waist.
Thanks to the help of kind hearts and a major friend of the fund who fully covered the girl's fundraising, the girl got a chance for a healthy future. The operation at the Assuta Clinic in Israel by Dr. Shimon Rochkind will save the girl from further deterioration of her body and disability. It will take place very soon. As soon as we have news, we will definitely share it with you.

Dear friends, our foundation has a new ward – Dimitry Mukhlyakov. The boy has hydrocephalus and urgently needs our help. Dima is one of two twins born at 34 weeks by cesarean section. Since birth the boys head was much larger than normal. He could not breathe on his own so he was rushed to the intensive care unit and connected to a ventilator. Dima needed surgery to install a shunt. The neurosurgeon of the children's regional hospital refused to perform that surgery so Dimas parents were forced to look for a doctor who could perform it. They found one. After the operation Dima begun to feel much better, he was steadily improving and was even disconnected from the ventilator. But right before the Christmas holidays the hospital was understaffed and the doctors that were there decided, for safety reasons, to reconnect the child to the ventilator. After that they could no longer disconnect Dima from the ventilator.
Sadly overtime the child began to feel worse and needed surgery again, but the doctors refused to do it. Before getting discharged from the hospital he had to undergo a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy, and was also given a ventilator for at home use. The doctors warned his parents that he wouldn't be able to breathe without it. But the love and care of two parents works wonders! Once at home Dima immediately began to feel better. He breathes on his own, eats well and actively plays with his sister and brother, but he can't stand up. Dimas parents have already turned to doctors from Moscow, St.Petersburg, Kazan and Syktyvkar for help many times, but they were rejected by them. The clinic that accepts to perform the surgery on him is the Schneider clinic in Israel.
Dear friends, a lot of caring hearts participated in our fundrising to change Dima's life for the better. Together with Dima's mother we raised the necessary amount for the treatment (our fund raised $24,603, the rest was collected by his mother).
Thanks to you, Dima was operated by the best specialists of the Israel Schneider Clinic. They performed a complex operation on skull plastic surgery, reduced the size of the skull, completely preserved the structures of the brain, and gave Dima a new life.

Dear Friends, we started a new fundraiser for Sophia Yankina. A completely healthy girl was born on 1st of December 2014. It was a cherishable 3 months for the whole family until the little girl started to experience epileptic seizures. From that on, life has been divided between before and after, with parents fighting the daughters' illness till the present day.
First 4 years were a constant struggle to get the diagnosis and moreover find the cure. Sophia's parents took her to the best hospitals and medical institutions of Russia. First they went to local doctors in Surgut, then were referred to other specialists in nearby bigger city Nizhnevartovsk and then even bigger Tyumen. Still with no answers to be found, the family had to travel to Moscow and St. Petersburg to meet the highest ranked professors. In total the little girl had gone through 19 different treatment plans, including heavy hormonal therapy. But nothing was given any positive results.
Then, 2 years ago with the help of compassionate people, Sophia got to “Schoen Clinic” in Germany, where she underwent a life changing surgery. The amount of seizures were declining and the little girl started to finally lead a normal life. It was a dream come true for the whole family after these long miserable years. That was until recent tests showed, unfortunately, progression of the illness. Now Sophia need our help to get another highly costly procedure to localise and treat the core of the sickness. It is called SEEG-guided epilepsy surgery and Dr. Antonio Russi from medical center “Teknon” has agreed to operate Sophia.
Together with you and anither children charitable foundation we raised 90 156 EUR.
On October 20th, 2021, the girl underwent the first stage of surgery to remove the focus of epilepsy. It was successful. Brain EEG showed 80% improvement. The second stage of the operation is scheduled for July 2022.

Dima Makolkin was born an absolutely healthy child. He was growing normaly and constantly pleased his parents with his new achievements. But at the age of 2, the boy became very ill with serous meningitis, which cost him a carefree and happy childhood, and in return gave him a lot of difficulties that the boy has had to go through for 6 years.
Serous meningitis is an inflammatory disease of the brain. Faced with it in 2015, Dima managed to escape from its shackles several times. But the constant relapses that happened to Dima as soon as he stopped taking antibiotics, gradually worsened his general condition. A relapse that occurred him in 2019 gave big complications: Dima could not hold his head, his arms and legs were weak, and he could barely cope with breathing, because of that the doctors had to connect him to a ventilator, perform a gastrostomy, and later a tracheostomy, through which he was connected to a ventilator for a long time. When Dima regained consciousness, he needed rehabilitation. The boy's parents found a hospital that agreed to accept their son for further treatment. Thanks to the efforts of resuscitators, the boy was removed from the ventilator, and he began to breathe through a tracheostomy.
After that, the boy underwent several courses of rehabilitation, which helped to significantly improve his condition and even get rid of gastrostomy. It was a real victory. But the main victory is still waiting for him ahead. To return to happy childhood life, Dima needs to remove the tracheostomy. Such operations are carried out in Russia, but his case is special - the narrowing of Dima's airways occurs due to tracheomalacia, and Russian doctors cant help him. The doctors of the Israel clinic Souraski are ready to carry out the necessary surgical treatment for the boy as soon as we collect $37,854.
Friends, $23,267- the amount that we collected for Nikita Rutvyan's treatment will be transferred to Dima's fundraising. This means that in order to give Dima a chance for a healthy future, we need to raise another $14,587.
Thanks to your support, all the necessary amount has been collected. Dima went for treatment.

Dear friends, here is our new ward - Anastasia Moreva.
A cheerful and active girl, with a prosthetic right ear. Two ear reconstruction surgeries have been carried out in Moscow, but both of them were unsuccessful and led to life-threatening consequences. Now the girl has a high risk of cholesteatoma formation - an aggressive tumor that can take away the most important thing from Nastya - her life.
Dr. Joseph Roberson from the American clinic is ready to carry out the necessary surgery for Nastya. He can rebuild her right ear and restore hearing. To do this, we need to fundraise $84,175.
Nastya is 6 years old and she has a twin brother Nikita. Their parents were so happy with the birth of twins. Sadly they also quickly had to learn about a previously unknown pathology - microtia / atresia of the right ear channel, that their daughter was born with.
Doctors suggested not to intervene in Nastya’s life without an ear, they advised to simply grow long hair and wear hats. However, with hearing impairment, the little girl began to fall behind her peers and was poorly orienting in space. Her mother started searching for doctors who would help her daughter.
The search was difficult. In America, these kinds of surgeries have been carried out for more than 30 years, but their cost is very high. There are specialists in Russia too and the price is much more affordable. Therefore, in March 2020, Nastya had surgery in Moscow FMBA. Immediately after, the girl’s hearing was restored in her right ear and overall it was positive aftermath. But, unfortunately, six months later Nastya had developed serious complications. Hearing in her right ear disappeared, the ear channel closed up and fluid began to flow out of it.
There was a second surgery carried out, but it only made things worse. Now the girl's life is in danger.
Dr.J. Roberson from the USA clinic is ready to save Nastya's life and restore hearing.
Dear friends, thanks to your support, we were able to close Nastya's fundrising on time and gave the girl a chance for a healthy future.
During the operation, Dr. Roberson found a cholesteatoma in Nastya's ear, that already infected the prosthesis (medpor) and the cranial bone. Following the operation, the doctor decided to close the ear canal and saved Nastyusha's life.

Dear friends, we have a new ward - Ivan Izotov from the Grafovka (Belgorod region, Russia). He has spastic tetraparaesis. And more than anything, this three-year-old boy dreams about the day when he will be able to learn to walk, run and play ball with other children! This childhood dream could come true, but only if we fundrise $14,145 by the 7th of November.
Vanya was born at the 29th week of pregnancy with a weight of only 1320 grams. From the first minutes of his birth he started the fight for his health. The baby was in intensive care for a long time. A month after discharge, permanent rehabilitation began. His parents are doing everything possible to put their son on his feet. This is a titanic work for any person, especially for a child, to whom every movement is given with great difficulty and pain. But Vanya is a real fighter, together with his parents, overcoming all difficulties, the boy confidently goes to his goal. And now he has a chance for a healthy future. Thanks to the spinal cord surgery performed by Dr. Park from the American clinic St. Lois Children's Hospital, his dream is going to become a reality!
Writes Vanya's mom: "The disease makes Vanya scream in pain, causes him irreparable deformations, does not let him exhale. It inspires fear of not being able to pay the bill on time, which means getting a colossal rollback in Vanya's condition. After all, the clinic has already given us a chance, there simply won't be another opportunity! We've been trying so hard for 3 years... But I was never able to do the main thing – to collect the necessary amount of money for a healthy life of my son, for his one and only dream. Please help to be a mom who has done everything for her child!
I'm not just asking, I'm begging! We really need to be in time to collect the necessary amount of money for the operation."
Dear friends, thanks to your support, Vanya was able to get treatment from one of the best specialists - Dr. Park from the American clinic St. Lois Children's Hospital. The operation was successful. Dr. Park said that if Vanya will follow all the recommendations he will be able to walk on his own.
We sincerely believe that this miracle will happen in the near future. Many thanks to everyone for your help.

Evelina Kolmakova is the longed-for and only child in the family. She was delivered at full term but suffered from birth asphyxia during delivery which led to severe brain damage. Her parents followed all bits of advice from neurologists to lessen the severity of medical conditions. They went through medications, special massage courses, physiotherapy, Voita therapy in the Czech Republic. Still, at Evelina’s 1 year and 2 months, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and tetraparesis. Since then, baby girl exercises daily at home or undergoes intensive rehabilitation programs in specialized care centers.
She works out as a professional athlete! She is driven by a dream to dance like a ballerina. But to make this dream come true she needs our support.
In September, Evelina has had a selective dorsal rhizotomy (to reduce spasticity) at the St. Louis Children's Hospital in the USA. The success of the treatment depends 70% on postoperative rehabilitation. Evelina needs urgently to go to the intensive therapy center “Olinek”, where highly qualified specialists will help her restore previously acquired skills and master new ones, but now without muscle spasticity in her legs!
Dear friends, thanks to your support, we managed to raise 5450 euros for two courses of rehabilitation of Evelina.
The girl has already passed one of them and has become much stronger. The second rehabilitation course at the Olinek Intensive Therapy Center is scheduled for August 2022.

Petya is one of the twins. He was born on the 7th of December in 2007 together with his brother Boris. The boy had health problems from his birth.
At the age of two months, Petya was hospitalized with severe jaundice, where he spent almost two months. Then he was diagnosed with hepatitis. The parents did not even suspect that diagnosis was wrong. The boy grew and developed in the same way as his peers, and in 2019 he had a serious deterioration of his health. He was under the supervision of a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist, a pulmonologist and a hematologist, but none of the treatment that doctors prescribed for him relieved his condition. Doctors managed to make the correct diagnosis only recently.
Petya has a rare disease - Abernethy malformation. This is a vascular anomaly in which there is no portal vein, and venous blood from the intestine and spleen bypasses the liver without being cleaned.
The only treatment method that doctors in Russia could offer Petya is liver transplantation. But the boy's parents managed to find an alternative. The doctors of the children's department of the Schneider clinic are ready to help the boy. They have repeatedly carried out two-stage surgical treatment using a unique method, after which the liver of children with the same diagnosis as Petya's was self-healing and there was no need for its transplantation after surgery.
In Russia such operations are not carried out, so we can say that this is the only chance for Petya to avoid a liver transplantation and become healthy. The cost of this chance was $ 45,000. We raised this money and then doctors of Israel Clinic Schneider conducted the first stage of treatment for the boy. The operation was successful.

Misha is 6 years old, he is an active and lively boy.
However, 3 years ago Misha started to complain of inconvenience when walking. This marked the start of multiple examinations and visits to various specialists in search of the cause of the disease. In a year doctors managed to find the reason - it was neuropathy (peripheral nerves malfunction due to their damage). This was accompanied by movement disorder and even reduction of leg length by 1 cm.
He was assigned a disability status. Misha's family started to struggle for the boy's health, trying medicines, rehabilitation, continuous exercise therapy, physiotherapy and courses of massage. Unfortunately, the treatment did not bring any results. Neither did special orthopedic shoes help. The parents managed to have Misha examined in Kyiv, where it was discovered that the sciatic nerve had been damaged as a result of an incorrect injection. Thus, Misha was diagnosed with sciatic nerve neuroma. Doctors in Kyiv refused to perform an operation, suggesting possible serious consequences: they will not be able to completely remove the neuroma, leaving the risk of developing oncology.
Over the past six months, Misha's condition has only worsened: his lameness has worsened, his foot has become deformed, and when he walks, his leg falls on the outer edge all the time, which is why the boy has even got a clavus. The boy cannot move all his toes, neither can he step on the heel.
Misha's parents contacted Assuta Clinic (Israel), and neurosurgeons are ready to carry out a complex operation to remove the tumor, and a corrective orthopedic operation. 59,163 USD are needed in order to perform the operations.
The collection for the treatment of Misha was carried out together with his parents: together they managed to collect 59,163 euros for the treatment of the boy.
Thanks to your help, the doctors of the Assuta clinic performed the long-awaited operation for the boy. It was successful.

Polina is a happy, kind, loving girl that dreams of becoming an artist or a veterinarian.
But Polina has been diagnosed with Spina Bifida. And her dreams might not come true…
Polina is the first and most awaited child in her family. When she was born her mother immediately noticed a scar on her spine. The doctors in the hospital didn’t mention anything about it, and later said replying to the mothers questions that its just a birth mark.
The girl grew and developed normally until the age of 5, and then her parents noticed that her foot lost mobility.
For their family this marked the start of a long and hard journey in search of ways to help their daughter.
They visited multiple doctors, who kept providing wrongful diagnosis, gave useless recommendations and treatments which yielded no results.
Polinas mum Irina writes: “We couldn’t even find a doctor who would provide us with the correct diagnosis. In the end we where forced to take matters into our own hands and do an MRI of her spine. The results stated something we where not prepared to hear. Polina has Spina Bifida…. And now in order to avoid her situation worsening and hopefully make some positive progress, its necessary for her to undergo a very complicated operation, the cost of which is very high for our family. If Polina doesn’t get the treatment she needs in the nearest future, there will be irreversible damage to her development, which may leave her disabled and wheelchair bound. Benefactors, we are desperate for your help.”
Polina is already undergoing irreversible changes in her body. Her left foot is deformed and doesn't bend well.
Thanks to your support, we managed to raise the necessary amount for Polina's surgical treatment at the Assuta clinic in Israel.
On June 16th, 2022, Professor Shimon Rokhkind performed the operation successfully: he removed a small lipoma, freed the spinal cord and all spinal roots from soldering and saved all motor functions. The first improvements in Polina's left leg appeared immediately after the operation!
Vanya is a real fighter. He was born at just 28 weeks by an emergency operation and spent the first months of his life in a hospital. He went through several complicated operations, blood transfusions and had drip bulbs with immunoglobulin connected to his body. A shunt was implanted in the boy's brain in order to drain extra cerebrospinal fluid, after which the whole system had to be changed and adjusted. Despite this, Vanya remains a very positive kid. He understands everything, uses sentences in his speech and most of all likes to play with his elder brother. But unfortunately, he still cannot walk - he only crawls on hands and knees and stands at the support. However, Vanya's parents do not give up. They keep doing exercises with Vanya - both with the help of specialists and independently. And they become fruitful - now Vanya even tries to walk with support. In order to consolidate these results and take a step forward the boy needs to take a rehabilitation course in International Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation (Cyprus).
Thanks to your support, we managed to raise 3,560 euros. After completing the course Vanya learned to walk without any support.

Timofei is long-awaited child. But epilepsy prevents him from normal development.
Timofei’s family is fighting for every achievement of their boy, but the peculiarity of the disease demands regular treatment in order to support the child’s development.

The girl is still baby, she is under 1 years old. Ksenia was born with a rare genetic disorder - Apert syndrome. It is a premature closure of the bones of the skull which usually happens by 3 years old. This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally, its volume becomes limited which affects the shape of the head and face. In addition, intracranial pressure rises which leads to deafness, blindness and disability.

Islam grew up as an ordinary healthy boy. He did not suffer from any disease, was an active and a sunbeam child. He studied very well and was keen on Mathematics. But the life of the Gudkov family was divided into "before" and "after".

Beautiful Emiliya was born 7 years ago. She grew up in a big loving family and brought joy to her family members. When she was just 2 years old, she already knew the main colors, could name them in Russian and English, knew animal species, could count to 10 and backwards, she used phrases in her speech.
Taisiya was born a healthy girl – all her family was happy to welcome a little miracle in this world. The girl grew, developed and made her family happy with her achievements.
But one day everything changed. On March 12, 2016 Taya started making inexplicable actions – she was waving up with her arms. Various examinations started, and different doctors and professors shared their opinions. A terrible diagnosis was revealed: Taya had developmental brain malformation, polymycrogyria (pachygyria), infantile spasm syndrome (epilepsy) and delay in speech development. he girl’s parents make everything they can to help Taya grow up and live a full life.
The child took four rehabilitation courses based on Professor Kozyavkin method which brought great results: Taisiya has learnt to sit independently and rise with the help of support, she became more sociable and curious, she examines things around herself with great interest, smiles and laughs often. Doctors did not advise to stop rehabilitation courses as this treatment may fulfil the girl’s dream – be able to walk.
Thanks to your support we were able to raise 3,600 euros to pay for the course in autumn 2019.

When two twin-sisters Khvostikovs were born and the world welcomed them, their parents were happy to the moon and back. However, only after some time doctors notified the parents that younger girl Sophia had a congenital malformation.

8 years ago a girl with a beautiful name Kamilya was born in Tatarstan in the Khayrullins family. Kamilya “complete” or “perfect”.
However, the baby was born with congenital deformities of the spine. Thanks to the operation, which was done in Kazan immediately after birth, as well as numerous rehabilitation courses taken regularly until she turned 5 y.-o., the disease did not show up. As the girl grew up, leg pains started bothering her, while treatment was not bringing relief.
Unfortunately, the additional operation worsened the child’s condition.
Thanks to your support we were able to raise 49,742.00 USD to pay for an operation to eliminate spinal cord fixation, to release the nerve roots of cauda equina and correct vertebrae.

Danial was not a premature infant. He was born 4 years ago without complications. However, already in the delivery room midwives noticed some deformities of soft tissues in the lumbar region of the boy's body. The doctor told the parents that most likely their child would not walk.
His parents did not give up and devoted significant time and attention to Danial's health. After taking regular swimming classes, the boy started walking when he was just 11 months old! After that, Danial had to take a series of massage, electrophoresis and electrostimulation procedures, a course of injections, as well as physical therapy.
Thanks to this active work, not only can he walk, but also actively run, jump, ride a bike, - which makes his parents extremely happy. However, despite all efforts, the boy walks with a limp due to the lag in the development of his left leg: it is shorter by almost a centimeter, and the muscles are weaker. There are also problems with the urinary system. All this - a consequence of myelocele.
Gradually the condition was worsening, which might lead to the fact that the doctor's prediction would, unfortunately, come true. There was a threat that Danial won't be able to walk.
Thanks to your support we were able to raise 13849 euro to pay fot the operation in the Assuta Clinic (Israel). This fundraising project was carried out together with the parents of Danial.
Ilya is 12 years old. He is an excellent pupil receiving only high grades. He plays piano at music school and participates in city poetry contests. However, the boy moves about only in a wheelchair, because he cannot walk. For this reason, he is home-schooled.
Ilya has tethered spinal cord syndrome. He's had problems with the urinary system since he was born. He has suffered from constant infections accompanied with fever. Moreover, the older the child gets, the more often they occur. Endless diseases, fever, new treatments, antibiotics - this is vicious circle within which the boy cannot normally grow, develop or study.
Thanks to your support we were able to raise $5,046 for the examination in the Israeli clinic.
Most of Milana's life she has been suffering from a severe disease - epilepsy. The disease exhausts the girl, and the hardest attacks prevent her from growing and developing normally.
When Milana was 2 y.o., she received expert advice in Israel. The prescribed treatment helped to improve her condition for a year, but unfortunately, all the results were lost later on. Milana's parents tried a significant amount of medicines - yet, nothing could help.
However, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center was ready to help the girl. This examination and the subsequent treatment were the last hope for Milana and her family.
Thanks to your support we were able to raise $ 3,249.03 to conduct medical tests.
Yana is the third child in the family, a long-awaited child. She was born prematurely. At birth her height was only 38 cm. When she was just 2.5 months old, the baby girl had her first operation which lasted 5 hours.
But Yana and her family are fighters. Thanks to regular massage sessions, physical therapy exercises and rehabilitation courses, the girl is actively growing. She walks by herself, is enrolled in the first grade of a music school and even plays the flute. Last spring it was again detected the girl had tethering of the spinal cord.
Complications were stopped last time, thanks to an emergency operation. However, Yana again complained of pain in the back and right leg, and almost did not feel the lower part of her body. The Israeli clinic was ready to help the girl.
Thanks to your support we were able to raise $ 49,550 to pay for the treatment.

Vitya is a cheerful and emotional boy. He likes to play games and communicate with others, swim in the pool and have practice with a logopaedist. This practice brings very good results. However, at his age of 7, the boy can sit, kneel and stand only when holding his parents' hands.
The problem is that Vitya suffers from epileptic seizures. He even has problems with sleep now, since the moment he falls asleep - seizures begin. Vitya's parents have been fighting for his health throughout all his life. They constantly take rehabilitation courses, consult specialists and search for new methods of treatment, but his condition is getting worse and they feel utterly discouraged. Anticonvulsant medications do not help him, while the hormone therapy cannot be used anymore.
The boy needed to be checked at the TEL AVIV MEDICAL CENTER in Israel, where the appropriate treatment will be offered to him. Thanks to your support we werer able to raise $18,116.80 was needed to conduct the course.
Matvey is a cheerful and smart boy. He and his brother were born prematurely. He was growing up together with his brother, however, gradually he started to lag behind in development. It seemed that it would take a little bit more time for him to start walking. However, the time passed and no miracle followed. The reason for that was the boy's diagnosis - he had cerebral palsy. Matvey's family is fighting for every achievement of their boy, but the peculiarity of the disease demands regular treatment in order to support the child's development. Now Matvey needed to undergo a rehabilitation course in the International Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation in Cyprus. Thanks to your support we were able to raise 3800 euro to pay for the treatment.

Sveta is a very kind and responsive girl. She is keen on learning poems and reading books. She also likes to communicate with other children and play, draw and do crafts, and then give them to others as presents. Sveta studies at school and gets only high grades. And if you look at the photo, you’ll notice that she is no different from her peers. However, the girl cannot walk by herself – she stands and moves around only with support.
Sveta was born prematurely and spent the first two months of her life in hospital. All this time the family has been fighting for her health: Sveta constantly undertakes rehabilitation courses and physical therapy courses.
International Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation, which uses the method of Professor Vladimir Ilyich Kozyavkin, whose technique is recognized as one of the most effective in the rehabilitation of cerebral palsy, was ready to help the girl.
Throught your kind donations we were able to raise 3,850 needed to complete the rehabilitation course.

Grisha is two years old. He is a curious, cheerful, smiling boy. He likes to dance and sing with his elder sister and to run and play football with his elder brother.
But when Grisha was undergoing a health checkup for kindergarten admission, doctors detected a small lump on his lower back. Following additional examination, a scary diagnosis of Spina bifida was made. Neurological disorders may affect the boy at any moment. The disease causes loss of sensitivity in legs and functional disorders of pelvic organs. This process is irreversible and without a timely surgical intervention Grisha faces the risk of remaining disabled for the rest of his life. SOURASKY MEDICAL CENTER in Israel was ready to help the boy.
Еhanks to your support we was able to raise $32 321.91
This summer, when Grisha was undergoing a health checkup for kindergarten admission, doctors detected a small lump on his lower back. Following additional examination, a scary diagnosis of Spina bifida was made.
Neurological disorders may affect the boy at any moment. The disease causes loss of sensitivity in legs and functional disorders of pelvic organs. This process is irreversible and without a timely surgical intervention Grisha faces the risk of remaining disabled for the rest of his life.
SOURASKY MEDICAL CENTER in Israel is ready to help the boy. The amount required for surgery is $32 321.91

Nikita was born healthy and was developing normally, which was a joy for his parents. However, when he was 6 months old, he unexpectedly had his first seizure following a vaccination. The boy was continuously examined by different specialists, but the prescribed medication did not have any positive effect.
Provisional diagnosis of symptomatic focal epilepsy, impaired mental function, delay in motor development was made. Nikita was considerably lagging behind in development from his peers, he hardly spoke and has difficulties in understanding speech.
Nikita needed to undergo medical examination at Top Experts Center (Israel) to confirm the diagnosis and define the course of treatment. Thanks to your support we were able to raise the required sum 10.370 $.

Kolya is almost six. He’s gone through a lot for his age: he has been admitted to various hospitals and treated by top doctors, undergone numerous checkups without any evident results so far.

The name of the boy in this photo is Daniil. He had congenital lumbosacral myelocele. When he was an infant, he had his hernia sac removed, later he underwent numerous operations on his legs with plaster cast applied to them. He received several courses of rehabilitation.
Ten years later, following a regular MRI scan he was diagnosed with tethered spinal cord syndrome. Currently he can barely feel his legs. He is using a wheelchair to move around and crutches to walk at home. He is suffering from constant headaches, and a serious pelvic deformity has been noted. The Israeli Assuta Hospital, where a lot of our caretakers got treatment, confirmed the diagnosis and is ready to operate on the boy.
The hospital’s leading neurosurgeon believed that Daniil had a good chance of being able to walk without using a wheelchair or crutches. The aches and pains were disappear, and the progression of the pelvic deformity could be stopped. When the doctor was explaining this to Daniil’s mother, the boy burst into tears. He had been dreaming about a bicycle he would be able to ride by himself for a long time.
Through your kind donations we werer able to raise 53 915 euro for the operation.

More than twelve years ago, a little miracle happened – a girl Sonya Milovanova was born. She was born prematurely at 30 weeks gestational age and she was 40 cm long and weighed 1,6 kg. Sonya spent her first months in intensive care because she had respiration problems and was practically unable to see. First, she was diagnosed with organic brain disorder and later with cerebral palsy.
Sonya was currently attending a special school for children with disabilities. It prevented the girl from developing her abilities fully. Sonya’s parents had made up their minds to do everything possible to enable their daughter to live life to the full in spite of her health problems. Within the past 12 years Sonya had received treatment in numerous clinics and rehabilitation centres.
Six years ago, Sonya did a rehabilitation course at Professor Kozyavkin International Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation in Cyprus. It had a huge positive effect: contractions eased, there was improvement in her eyesight (she suffers from esotropia), Sonya was able to speak much better as well as coordinate her movements.
Cerebral palsy is a disease characterized by continuous regression. The patients require non-stop treatment to resist this tendency. Thanks to your support we were able to raise 3850 euro to pay for the treatment.

Sasha was born a healthy and energetic child. The parents loved their son dearly.
When he was 6 months old in the course of a scheduled checkup the neurologist was puzzled by a somewhat strange expression in the boy’s eyes and ordered an ultrasonic testing (UT) and a CT scan. The examinations results were shocking. The boy was diagnosed with cerebral atrophy and combined hydrocephalus.
So far it remained unclear what type of treatment Sasha requires. Specialists of the “Ichilov” Clinic, Israel were ready to conduct a complex examination to verify the existing diagnosis and decide on the treatment to be chosen.
Throught your kind donations we were able to raise 5610 dollars to pay for the medical examination.

Emil was born with a spinal cord defect. He was diagnosed with Spina Bifida at the Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan. It’s a fault in the development of the neural tube and surrounding bones which leaves a split in the spine with a spinal cord cyst.
When the baby was 1.5 months old, he had an operation as a result of which part of the fat tissue was removed. The boy needed annual clinical MRI scan to be carried under sedation. Regular massage, therapeutic gymnastics and rehabilitation courses became an integral part of the boy’s lifestyle and put the whole family to the test.
In 2014 the boy was diagnosed with yet another problem – acute pyelonephritis, acute urinary retention. In spite of the regular rehabilitation procedures the boy has developed a club foot and started walking on tiptoes. His general condition was deteriorating and this year he was diagnosed with tethered spinal cord syndrome.
Although the current diagnosis was more than serious, Emil happened to be a cheerful boy. He could read, he liked listening to stories and he was planning to go to school next year. The boy as especially fond of constructing imaginary cities from Lego building sets. What’s more, Emil was keen on horses. He never forgot to bring them a treat when he was on a visit to an eco-farm. In a way, the “tethered spinal cord” diagnosis was similar to a time bomb.
As the boy was growing older, his health was deteriorating. He might finally find himself confined to a wheelchair. The Assuta Medical Center in Israel had offered to operate on Emil on 26 of March 2018.
Thanks to your support we were able to raise 51543 US dollars to pay for the operation.

Lena was born on 21 September, 2010. Her parents did not suspect that something was wrong with their child. However, a lump on the spine was spotted while the baby was still in the delivery room.
Later the diagnosis of spina bifida was confirmed in the hospital. At the age of 4 months she underwent surgery in Saint Petersburg which was followed by complications – meningitis and functional disorders of pelvic organs.
Nevertheless, the girl learnt to walk without any aids. When Lena was 2.5 she was diagnosed with tethered spinal cord syndrome. It means that as the child ages, the tension of the spinal cord increases, which may potentially result in inability to walk.
Lena went to school. She worked hard, liked to write and draw, won contests. But the girl got tired quickly when walking, complained of leg pains and was notably slouched, which were indications of changes for the worse in her condition.
Clinic Assuta in Israel was prepared to treat Lena giving her a chance of recovery.
Through your kind donations, we were able to raise 52 322,00$ to pay for Elena’s treatment.

Vera was born with no traces of life. Her heart was literally "started up", she was then connected to mechanical pulmonary ventilation and then brought to the crisis care department.
Now the girl is 6 years old. Behind her back she has years of intensive exercises both in Russia and abroad, as well as lots of tried and tested methods. Each therapy had a positive effect: Vera learned to crawl, sit, stand with support, take steps with babywalkers, and manipulate her hands. And Vera's family doesn't want to give up and stop at what has already been achieved, as they are confident this is not the limit of the girl's abilities.
Her family hope that the system of intensive neurophysiological rehabilitation based on Professor Kozyavkin's method will be able to help Vera! The rehabilitation course begins on June 8; 3,560 euros are needed in order to cover the costs.

Fedor is the third child in the family. The long-awaited son is ill: the developmental defect of the brain is lissencephaly + symptomatic epilepsy. Despite the diagnosis and contrary to all predictions, Fedya tries to sit, crawls, stands on legs, plays patty-cake, recognizes relatives, pronounces many letters and syllables.
For almost a year, doctors have been trying to find a drug that can ease epileptic seizures - but without success. Seizures do not go away, the brain cells die.
The Technon Medical Center in Barcelona is ready to help Fedya. We sincerely believe that the doctors of the center will be able to select the right drugs after careful examinations. The required amount for the examination and the appointment of treatment - 10 630 euros. Let's make a difference together!
Melanya Zlatina was born on October 19th 2016 in Eupatoria. On October 20th, when Melanya was 2 days old, she was diagnosed with Spina bifida and underwent surgery (hernia excision). Melanya’s parents saw their daughter on her sixth day and it brought tears to their eyes. She was lying practically motionless breathing with effort, which made her stomach rise. The sight of the baby was pleasing to the eye despite the numerous tubes, sensors, holders and bandages. Deep in the parents’ hearts there was a strong belief that everything was going to be all right.
The first stage of the therapy was over. Prof. Shimon Rohkind, the world- famous neurosurgeon, visited Krasnodar in spring 2017. He examined the girl and advised to carry out an operation to release the spinal cord in Assuta Medical Center, Israel. The procedure was performed in June 2017.
It was thanks to your donations that Melanya Zlatina was able to afford a rehabilitation therapy course in Adeli Medical Center in Slovakia. Specialists recommended another intensive therapy course in May 2018. What was most important, the girl had a good chance of learning to walk without support! Through your kind donations, we were able to raise the right amount of money to pay for Melania’s treatment.
Vanya was born on August 10, 2006 and he was a healthy baby. He was developing and growing like all children. In the age of 1 year and 6 months, Ivan went through a rotavirus infection with high fever, and after recovery about a week later he started to suffer from epileptic seizure. Parents immediately sought medical advice of neurologists.
Medications were prescribed, a long course of selection of drugs was conducted, but there was no improvement. Each time after the introduction of a new drug or increase in the dose, there was a short period of improvement, but after drug self-tapering action and drug habituation, seizures started again.
In February 2011, Ivan was given a status of a disabled child. Ivan got operated in 2012 and 2014 in the German clinic “Schön clinic”. There was an improvement in his health state and the boy could go to the first grade of the general education school. But in March 2017, there was a breakdown in his health.
Disease episodes began to reach up to 5 times a day. Ivan had managed to graduate from the third grade, but the severity of the disease maked his schooling almost impossible. Doctors presumed formation of a new focus in the inaccessible place of his brain.
The boy needed again to undergo diagnostic examinations in the “Schön clinic”, Germany to identify the causes of his health deterioration and choice of methods for further treatment. Through your kind donations, we were able to raise the required amount of money to pay for Ivan's examination.

Veronika was born prematurely at 34 weeks gestational age with emergency Caesarean section. The reason for the surgical procedure was the umbilical cord entanglement around the fetus and the risk of fetal hypoxia.
At the age of 8 months Veronika was diagnosed with spastic cerebral paralysis. Since then Veronika and her parents have been fighting for the child’s life against the severe disorder.
By the age of 5 Veronika had developed a complication – epilepsy. This condition makes it impossible to achieve a stable improvement in the patient’s state.
Veronika had a chance to get better if she undergoes diagnostic procedures at Assuta Medical Center, Israel. Thanks to your support we were able to raise 4020 euro to pay for the treatment.
The results were allow the doctors to decide upon the further plan of therapy and rehabilitation

Vika was only a girl, but she knew how to take care of close people: not only did she help her mother, but also took a mother’s role helping younger children and playing with them. She could both give support and calm them down. What Vika liked the most is to make puppet shows featuring various actors, from tiny animal figures to large cuddly toys. And the girl made a magic play out of every single performance – how incredibly interesting it is to watch it!
Unfortunately, it was very difficult for Vika to play more active games, like running, bicycling, or sliding down, because of her disease: when Vika was 2 year and 3 months-old, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Despite a complex character of the disease, the girl’s condition could be improved if rehabilitation courses were picked up in a right way.
The girl had already completed several rehabilitation courses at Professor Vladimir Ilyich Kozyavkin clinic in Cyprus. Treatment was fruitful – the child can walk longer, she speaks much better, does physical exercises and would be so happy to make friends with other children, because now she can take part in their games. Through your kind donations, we were able to raise the right amount of money the to pay for the operation.

Olya and Sonya were born three months premature and spent the first 87 days of life in the intensive care unit. Despite grave condition and statistics, the girls survived thanks to the efforts of experienced doctors and due to timely brain surgeries.
After winning the battle for the lives of their children, the parents of Olya and Sonia were fighting for their health. Premature birth and hemorrhage entailed disturbance in brain function of both newborns. At the same time, according to experts, the girls had a great potential for recovery and development. Doctors agreed that a well-chosen treatment gives very good results even in such difficult cases – if it was timely and all available opportunities were used. In 2017 and 2018 the girls already received rehabilitation based on the method of Vladimir Ilyich Kozyavkin in International Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation, Cyprus.
The Kozyavkin Method was recognized as one of the most effective in rehabilitation of cerebral palsy. The course largely helped the girls and even «breathed new life» into their health and development. The girls made substantial progress: Sonya walked and had almost caught up with peers. Olya standed with support and got up herself with support.
It was important not to miss the moment, while positive changes were observed in the girls’ development. The sisters needed a new rehabilitation course in order to continue their not easy way to recovery. Through your kind donations, we were able to raise the right mount of money to pay for the treatment.

Maftuna found out about her illness by accident. She fell on the skating rink and was taken to hospital with cerebral concussion.
It was a minor injury, but the examination revealed a graver problem: the scan showed a tumor in the girl’s brain. Maftuna returned from Israel this September, where she underwent examination at the Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov).
Doctors have diagnosed that her brain tumor is of benign nature. A new phase of diagnostics was waiting for a girl ahead. Thanks to your support we were able to raise the right amount of money to pay for the treatment.

Viktor is one of the six children in his family. He goes to school, helps his mother about the house and takes care of his younger sisters Angelina and Diana. Viktor is a good student and excels in everything he does, winning prizes at academic contests, freestyle wrestling tournaments and dancing competitions.
Nobody saw it coming when the boy went into a coma in 2015. It turned out that the coma was caused by a vessel rupture. Viktor was diagnosed with arteriovenous malformation, a congenital pathology that had not manifested itself before. The rehabilitation procedures following the urgent brain surgery resulted in a severe throat injury, which meant Viktor couldn’t breathe on his own afterwards.
Fortunately, the surgeons of Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov) were able to bring back the boy’s ability to breathe and talk. The Israeli hospital later applied to our foundation for help to complete Viktor’s treatment. The surgeons in Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov), Israel performed a diagnostic catheterisation of Viktor’s cerebral vessels on June, 20. The procedure showed that the vessel malformation has closed and the boy won’t need any more brain surgeries. The boy left the hospital on June, 21. We thank everyone who helped to cover Viktor’s treatment!

Throughout her life, 8 year-old Alyona underwent 16 brain surgeries, while half of her life she spent in the department of neurosurgery. The girl’s life entirely depends on the special shunt - a system of tubes and a pump which allow removal of cerebrospinal fluid from the head. Alyona has suffered from shunt-dependent hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy since her childhood, which was a consequence of a severe birth injury.
Despite her health problems, the girl is good at reading and writing. She studies at a school for children with special needs. Thanks to your support, in June Alyona was diagnosed at the Israeli clinic Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov). The shunt system was reprogrammed and now it functions well. Fortunately, there was no need to replace the shunt. The girl has already undergone several treatment courses which gave very good results thanks to the correction of injuries resulting from childbirth. However, given the complications of neurosurgical problems, Alyona needs constant neurorehabilitation.
The girl was able to complete such a course in Professor Kozyavkin’s clinic in Cyprus.
Thanks to your support we were able to raise 3672 euro for the treatment.

Makar sustained a severe brain injury in an accident at judo competitions in November 2015. The trauma only manifested itself a few days later when the boy suddenly felt sick and was taken to hospital with complaints of intense headache. The examination showed that the injury had caused a cerebral arterial aneurysm.
After the first surgery, with 5 microcoils installed in Makar’s artery, the boy’s life was still in danger as there was a high risk of aneurysm rupture. A second intervention was the only chance to stop further aneurysm growth and prevent a possible aneurysm rupture. The unique intervention took place on March, 6 in Tel Aviv.
The Israeli surgeons performed a complex stent implantation using innovative high-technology methods. The doctors reported a favourable outcome of the treatment. Makar left the hospital and remained under medical supervision in Tel Aviv.
Through your kind donations, we were able to raise the required amount of money to pay for Makar’s treatment in Israel. The surgery went well!

Maria is cheerful and smart, she loves dancing and swimming, attends pre-school education courses and is doing good at mathematics.
One could never tell she had any health problems, and yet the girl was born with a malformation of anterior palate. This disorder made it difficult for her to talk and eat: when swallowing, some of the food or water could enter the respiratory tract through the cleft of the palate, which imposed strict limitations upon the daily routine of the child.
Fortunately, the Israeli surgeons took on Maria’s case and managed to fix her problem. The complex intervention took place on February, 20 in Tel Aviv. It lasted for three hours and required the most careful attention of the surgeons.
Dr. David Leshem reported a favourable outcome of the treatment. He says there are no complications and the girl will not need any more interventions.
By February, 22, Maria already felt well enough to leave the hospital, and on March, 7 the girl and her Mom returned to Russia after a final consultation. Maria will now attend follow-up speech therapy sessions which will help restore her verbal function.

Ksenia had always been an active girl with vivid personality. She went to school, worked out and used to take long 20-km bike walks.
Her health began to fail in September 2016 when Ksenia started feeling an inexplicable weakness. With every passing day, it was getting worse. The girl developed severe anemia. In October Ksenia felt very sick and was taken to hospital. As it turned out, health deterioration was caused by duodenal cancer that Ksenia and her family had no knowledge of.
Unfortunately, the tumor had grown to the point of metastatic spreading. Multiple liver metastases, combined with the extremely rare nature of the illness, made it impossible for the Russian oncologists to help. Medical aid abroad was the only option.
Through the help of her family, friends and our donors, the girl has already undergone a surgery in a hospital in Mainz (Germany). The intervention went well. Ksenia came back home and is now receiving treatment at Dmitry Rogachev Centre for Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. Ksenia Travkina has been admitted to the Higher School of Economics (University). The studies began in September. Ksenia devoted all her energy to study and struggle against her disease.
However, in November 2017 medical examinations revealed that she had got multiple metastases in liver with inconclusive screening results and new additional minor hotbeds of disease. For this reason and in order to decide on treatment, doctors recommended a follow-up examination to be carried out in January 2018. Through your kind donations, we were able to raise the right amount of money to pay for Ksenia’s treatment.