Veronica is the second child in the family. Her mother grew up without parents and dreamed all her life of having a daughter. When her wish came true, it seemed that there was no one happier in the world than her. However, on the second day after Veronica's birth, the first seizures of epilepsy began. The girl was urgently hospitalized. She was discharged from the hospital only a month later.

Her mother hoped that the worst was behind them. Unfortunately, she was wrong. When the baby was one month old, the seizures resumed and occurred more and more often. Veronica was examined by the best specialists in Kazakhstan, underwent numerous medical tests and various courses of treatment, but all of them were unsuccessful. Medications had been giving er only temporary relief. Doctors diagnosed Veronica with pharmacoresistant epilepsy, pachygyria.

Last autumn, the girl underwent surgery to implant a vagus nerve stimulator, but it also proved to be ineffective. Veronica has been struggling with epilepsy her whole life. Despite everything, her mother continues to hope and believe that there is a way to rid her beloved daughter of seizures. World-renowned epileptologist Antonio Russi confirmed: Veronica's case is not hopeless.

Now Veronica's mother's main dream is to take her daughter for examination at the Teknon Clinic in Spain. But its cost for a family where a single mother raises two children, earning about 164,000 tenge (approximately 340 euros) per month, is absolutely unbearable. Without our help, they will never be able to raise the necessary amount.

Please, give Veronica the opportunity to undergo examination by Dr. Russi and get an answer to the main question: how can the girl be cured?

Click the "help" button and leave any affordable donation. Let's change Veronica's life together!