Vanya was born on August 10, 2006 and he was a healthy baby. He was developing and growing like all children. In the age of 1 year and 6 months, Ivan went through a rotavirus infection with high fever, and after recovery about a week later he started to suffer from epileptic seizure. Parents immediately sought medical advice of neurologists.

Medications were prescribed, a long course of selection of drugs was conducted, but there was no improvement. Each time after the introduction of a new drug or increase in the dose, there was a short period of improvement, but after drug self-tapering action and drug habituation, seizures started again.

In February 2011, Ivan was given a status of a disabled child. Ivan got operated in 2012 and 2014 in the German clinic “Schön clinic”. There was an improvement in his health state and the boy could go to the first grade of the general education school. But in March 2017, there was a breakdown in his health.

Disease episodes began to reach up to 5 times a day. Ivan had managed to graduate from the third grade, but the severity of the disease maked his schooling almost impossible. Doctors presumed formation of a new focus in the inaccessible place of his brain. 

The boy needed again to undergo diagnostic examinations in the “Schön clinic”, Germany to identify the causes of his health deterioration and choice of methods for further treatment. Through your kind donations, we were able to raise the required amount of money to pay for Ivan's examination.